Walking down the aisle

I ventured out to the grocery store last night after being home sick for three days. It was late. I was lacking energy. But I also needed some basics. The first time we passed each other the older woman caught my eye. After the second pass, I quietly asked God about it and had an urge […]

A Boundary-full heart

I jumped out of my car and made a beeline for the entrance. My mobile order was ready so I figured I could grab it and be back at my car in about 60 seconds. All of a sudden, she appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. “Excuse me,” she said. “Would you be open to buying […]

In the moment

I had just fallen asleep when I felt the tap on my shoulder. “Excuse me,” my seat-mate whispered. “Now my husband needs to go to the bathroom.” I was annoyed. I was seated in the aisle next to a woman in the middle seat and her hubby in the window seat. She had gotten up […]

Loving without limits

I’ve been deep in thought lately, giving intentional contemplation to the idea of “loving without limits” and what that looks like from God’s perspective. And when I say I have been thinking about it, I’ve REALLY been chewing on it because I know it’s a key in my life. And it might be in yours, […]

The wonderful place

My dad always showed up with something from home, a smile, and an optimistic greeting. “Hello, Love!” he would exclaim as he’d make a grand entrance through the door to her room. Mom would smile, sometimes barely and other times big, depending on how she was feeling. The hospital only allowed one guest per room […]

Since you’ve been gone

Six months ago today, my mama left us for the beauty of heaven. I honestly don’t know if I’m processing her death in the correct way, whatever that’s supposed to look like. I reflect back on the last six months in which I have intentionally chosen to spend a lot of time bringing peace and […]

An ocean of emotion

I have been emotionally preparing myself for this week and weekend. Understanding the deep and very painful emotional bruise I now carry, I have been carefully navigating through the past several days. But not in a way anyone would expect. I’ve actually been looking for opportunities to “run into things” that push on that tender […]

Balance in the tension

I often struggle with the tension. I can have a day where something really positive takes place (i.e. I get to have coffee with a friend) and then something negative comes my way (i.e. something stressful at work). My time, effort and energy are easily diverted to the “crisis” in front of me rather than […]


Last week I wrote about the list of people God has put in our lives to pursue. While I was writing, I thought about what it looks like to be on the other side…in the shoes of the one who is being pursued. This week I was working through something with my dad and I […]